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Oracle of the Mythic Heroes

繪師: Rosang Zuali, Anjun Gui
作者: Letao Wang
本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 3-6 星期到貨。

An intuitive oracle deck and guidebook that combines the ancient wisdom of the mortal heroes and heroines of Greek and Roman mythology with modern astrology and archetypes to guide you through your spiritual practice.

In a modern set of forty illustrated oracle cards, thirty-six mortal heroes and heroines and four sacred creatures derived from Greek and Roman mythology come alive to share their wisdom. Instead of the more familiar gods and goddesses like Athena, Zeus, and Poseidon, you’ll find stories about humans like the beautiful Helen of Troy, the inventor Daedelus, and the musician Orpheus. Each hero connects to a zodiac sign, imbuing the myth with further archetypal and astrological meanings. Following each myth in the guidebook are real-life examples from the author’s spiritual counselling sessions and an exploration of the card’s teaching, helping you to interpret and apply the heroes’ historical lessons to your own life. Supplemental information such as the astrological planet, decan, and crystal are also included to give you more insight into each hero’s divine message.

The beauty of this deck is how it moves beyond the worship of deities and offers a more humanistic approach to interpreting the guidance of the ancient realm. Take this as an invitation to expand your divination practice with Oracle of the Mythic Heroes and strengthen your connection to your inner hero or heroine.

  • Size:40 cards, 5" x 6.75"
價格: $280 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $252 HKD
[如何成為 VIP]

貨品編號: 11189
出版商/廠商: Beyond Words
產品出版地: 美國

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