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Patch Tarot 2nd Edition

作者: Jordan David River
這套牌是綜合了偉特(Rider Waite),托特(Thoth) 及黃金黎明(Golden Dawn)的元素及特點,再配合生命之樹,卡巴拉及星座星體等的意義,使你會得到更全面及豐富的資訊。另外他還另加了四張全新意義的牌以加強顯示其他更多可能的占卜結果。無論是初學還是老手都可以得到更多的啟發。牌的說明會以PDF檔發送。

Patch Tarot has been updated! This groundbreaking deck is an amalgamation of the world’s most prominent Tarot imagery and symbolism, taking into account the relationships between all of the elements, astrology, the Tree of Life, and so much more. It also reveals the hidden aspects of the Tree of Life, bringing four new benevolent cards into the mix which we’ve called “Holy Arcana”.

This 82 card deck is designed to be a fusion of the classical Rider Waite and Thoth themed decks, fusing them together and reconciling the paradoxes, bringing about a new generation of Tarot for you; the modern alchemical scholar. The extra four cards are: The Light, The Truth, The Way and The All.

This order includes a 50+ page mini booklet with brief card descriptions and divination instructions for new tarot readers!

This Bundle includes:
-Patch Tarot Deck (82 Printed Cards + 50 pg Mini Booklet)
-The Book of Patch (600+ pg Digital Download)
-The Wisdom Wall (Printable PDF Download)
-Patch Tarot Wallpaper Pack (Six HD Images)

Item from Canada

  • Size:82 cards, 6 x 11cm
價格: $720 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $648 HKD
[如何成為 VIP]

貨品編號: 07150
出版商/廠商: Spirit Studios
產品出版地: 美國

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