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The Crystal Healing Guide : A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Crystals for Health and Healing
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Crystal therapy views the body as a physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual whole. This introduction to the use of crystals covers the choosing and storing of crystals, pendulum dowsing, kinesiology, and self-testing, among other applications.

This comprehensive guide explains how crystals can be used to bring well-being to all areas of life. It shows how to choose, cleanse, and explore the properties of different crystals. There are plenty of simple healing layouts for the beginner to increase confidence and skill, plus more detailed information for those already familiar with the field of crystal healing.

The book includes:

* A historical survey of the use of crystals in healing across the world.

* Information on how to use kinesiology, pendulum dowsing and intuitive procedures to discover the most effective and safe treatments for each individual.

* Unique and original crystal placements to balance the chakras, subtle bodies, and meridian system of the body.

* Safe, effective, emotional stress-release techniques.

* Categorisation of crystal function by colour and indications of personal balance and imbalance using colour as a key.

  • Size:304 pages
價格: $260 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $234 HKD
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貨品編號: 07902

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